Clothing labels for nursing home and daycare

Posted by Sean Label on

We provide quality personalized clothing tags for nursing home residents. Durable, easy-to-read and attractive laundry labels that can also you be used for camp clothes, daycare, and other day to day needs. 

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clothing labels for nursing home residents

THE PROBLEM: Missing items are especially challenging in a memory care unit. People living with dementia often reach a stage where they perceive items like glasses and hearing aids as foreign objects, and they no longer want to wear them. A resident might remove their glasses and leave them on a piece of furniture, then another resident comes along and picks them up. Also, I’m sure you’ve discovered memory care residents “shopping” in other residents’ rooms.

For some reason, it’s also fairly common for residents to wrap items in napkins or tissues. Then if nobody thinks to double-check, they get tossed in the garbage.


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